As a district officer, it is your responsibility to oversee the proper governance of the District.  Please complete the following registration 

Please have the following items available and ready to upload to compete your district registration:

  • Copy/ Picture of Government Issued ID to verify who competed the registration (to be uploaded) 

All District Officers are required to complete this registration.  Your district charter paper is not considered complete until all of the officers have competed the registration.

Link to District Charter Paperwork.

If you need to make a correction to a file you uploaded please click the button below to manage your account.

District Information

District Leadership Position Held

District Officer Information

District Responsibilities & Officer Responsibilities

Completed By:

In submitting this application and paying the Annual Charter fee, the District, and its Officers and members, agree to be bound by the AAU Code, including its operating policies and


Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

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